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#ThroughTogether Expert Advice Videos

A selection of expert-led wellbeing related advice videos for Londoners presented by Professor Kevin Fenton, Dr Pamela Nkyi and Ysabella Hawkings. 

A selection of expert-led wellbeing related advice videos for Londoners presented by Professor Kevin Fenton, Dr Pamela Nkyi and Ysabella Hawkings. 

Kevin Fenton Still Expert Advice


Updated: 01/02/2024

Wellbeing Videos

General Wellbeing Advice

1. General Wellbeing Tips from Professor Kevin Fenton

In this video, Professor Kevin Fenton CBE, Regional Public Health Director for London, shares invaluable tips to uplift your mental wellbeing during the colder months.

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2. Where to find wellbeing support

In this video Professor Fenton, Regional Public Health Director for London, guides you to valuable resources for managing mental health in the colder months.

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3. Self-Care: Nurturing your mental health

In this video, Professor Kevin Fenton CBE, Regional Public Health Director for London, offers his three top tips for supporting wellbeing during the winter months.

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4. How to support yourself and those around you

In this short video, he suggests ways to support not only yourself but also those around you. Learning to accept that there are things that you cannot control can be a big step in learning how to manage and resolve whatever problems you may be having.

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5. Essential skills for supporting other people’s mental health

In this short video, Dr Pamela Nyki shares key skills to support mental wellbeing in others in the workplace. And importantly how to do this in an empathetic and professional way.

From actively listening to understanding who is best placed to support, there are ways you can help someone open up and help them deal with the challenges they’re facing.

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6. The transformative benefits of volunteering

In this short video, Dr Pamela Nkyi talks about the extraordinary impact of volunteering and the benefits that extend beyond the act of giving. From personal growth and skill development to fostering a sense of purpose.

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7. How to master feeling overwhelmed

Public Health specialist, Ysabella Hawkings, gives her top tips for managing feelings of being overwhelmed from move more, talk it out, and writing down your feelings.

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8. Tips for supporting other people's mental health

In this video, Ysabella Hawkings, Public Health Principal for Newham, gives her top tips on how you can help someone else manage their mental health.

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Videos for Parents/Carers

Advice for parents/carers

9. Building Bridges: Tips to help children express themselves

Unlock the power of communication with your child. In this straightforward video, Dr Pamela Nyki outlines practical tips on nurturing open communication with children.

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10. Connecting with kids: How to start a conversation about feelings

Discover the art of meaningful conversation with your child or a young person in this insightful video. Dr Pamela Nyki outlines simple yet effective ways to initiate discussions about feelings, exploring practical tips for creating an open and comfortable space for your child or a young person to share their emotions. It’s the first step to fostering emotional intelligence and strengthening your bond.

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Videos for Supporting Colleagues

Advice for Workplace Wellbeing

11. Wellness: Nurturing a supportive workplace

Discover practical tips from Dr Pamela Nyki on looking after your colleagues during the winter months or challenging times. From fostering teamwork to boosting morale, this video is your guide to creating a supportive and uplifting work environment, ensuring the wellbeing of each team member.

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Videos for Urgent Mental Health Support

Urgent Support

12. How to get urgent help for your mental health

In this video, Ysabella Hawkings, Public Health Principal for Newham, explains how you can find support to manage your mental health from NHS services to helplines and texting services.

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