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Supporting the mental health needs of those impacted by conflict in Israel and Palestine

Updated 20 November 2023

Updated 20 November 2023


Thrive LDN is a citywide public mental health partnership to ensure all Londoners have an equal opportunity for good mental health and wellbeing. As part of our role supporting health, social care and political leadership on public mental health, we have stepped up support to a number of geo-political crises in recent years.  

This has involved working with grassroot and diaspora communities to develop targeted support and wellbeing resources for refugees, asylum seekers and displaced people, as well as developing wellbeing resources for wider crisis situations affecting Londoners’ mental health and wellbeing.

Co-developing resources and support with London’s affected communities

Work is ongoing across the Greater London Authority, OHID London, ADPH London and the NHS Legacy and Health Equity Partnership to develop a supportive response for the mental health needs of Londoners during the ongoing war in Israel and Gaza.

Engagement with communities has taken place, and we are keen to work with many more community groups and develop a coordinated approach to engagement over time.  Please contact to discuss any of the resources listed below and play a role in the development of community-led, accessible and culturally competent responses.

Immediately available resources

Supporting Londoners resilience – Immediately available resources 

The purpose of this webpage is to outline services and resources which are already available to help anyone affected. Whilst this list is not exhaustive nor bespoke in relation to the conflict in Israel and Palestine, these resources have been developed by London partners and may provide helpful immediate support options for affected communities. These include: