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Economic Wellbeing

Increased cost-of-living pressures have been significant for many across the city and have had a detrimental impact on Londoners’ mental health and wellbeing.

Increased cost-of-living pressures have been significant for many across the city and have had a detrimental impact on Londoners’ mental health and wellbeing.

Thrive LDN’s Economic Wellbeing Forum

Thrive LDN’s Economic Wellbeing Forum has been stepped up to collectively recognise the impact on population mental health of financial pressures. 

 Meeting monthly, the EWF is an online forum with membership from across statutory health and social care partners and voluntary and community sector organisations. 

 Current membership includes Debt Free Advice, Trussell Trust, Greater London Authority, Mind, Turn2Us, Rethink, FLEX, Christians Against Poverty, YGAM and some London councils amongst others. 

 The forum was set up with the specific intention of focusing efforts and offers of support on those from the lowest socio-economic backgrounds and/or belonging to communities which have historically been marginalised and socially excluded.  

The forum has been shaping the development of a public mental health response to those dealing with the cost-of-living crisis and emerging economic pressures, particularly on timely ideas for training and resources.  

 By bringing together a broad range of partners from across all sectors, it has created a supportive platform that offers members the opportunity to find out more about the current support offers for Londoners, learn from collective efforts and share intelligence and best practice.    

The Thrive LDN Economic Wellbeing Forum continues to create a positive impact by supporting the economic wellbeing and mental health of Londoners through proactively identifying and preparing for future challenges that Londoners may encounter.

If you’d like to be involved with the forum, get in touch for details of future meetings. 


Economic Wellbeing support

We have collaborated with partners to provide a series of training programmes to support individuals helping those affected by increased cost-of-living pressures in London. The training programmes were funded by the Mayor of London, with the aim to improve the mental health and wellbeing of individuals experiencing financial struggles. 


Mental Health Awareness and Financial Hardships Training

Thrive LDN has been working with Healthy Dialogues to offer a three pre-recorded training sessions about mental health and the impact of financial hardships.

The training is aimed at London’s key workers and community champions.

The free training can be accessed here


SIGNSS Conversation Starter Tool

Our conversation starter tool  is designed to help you engage with friends, family, neighbours or those you support in your community or workplace about good mental health, wellbeing and financial worries.

We have adapted our SIGNSS Conversation Starter Tool to directly address the rise in cost-of-living and financial concerns, as well as offer signposting to further support including financial advice and practical help, which can be accessed here 


Trauma-Informed Practice Training

Thrive LDN has partnered with Nicola Lester Psychological Trauma Consultancy to offer free, pre-recorded trauma-informed practice training to support individuals and organisations. You can access the training here.    


Thrive LDN Talk Money Week webinar

To mark Talk Money Week, Thrive LDN and the Money and Pensions Service hosted a free learning webinar on the relationship between money and mental health, and the practical ways to get support.

A well as finding out more about the link between money and mental health, attendees were guided through the support and practical advice available to those they may be supporting through a tough time such as the Mental Health & Money Toolkit.

All the content shared during the webinar can downloaded from our website and you can watch the webinar back via YouTube.