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Mental Health Awareness Week 2021

Thrive LDN's activities for Mental Health Awareness Week, 10-16 May 2021

Thrive LDN's activities for Mental Health Awareness Week, 10-16 May 2021

Mental Health Awareness Week (MHAW)  is an annual event hosted by the Mental Health Foundation. Taking place this year between 10 – 16 May 2021, the theme of the week is ‘nature’. The week offers scope to explore the mental health benefits of connecting with nature and accessing green spaces.

However, the week is also an opportunity to explore what the barriers and challenges are in ensuring everyone is able to share in the natural world and experience the mental health benefits.

You can find more information about the week on the Mental Health Foundation’s website: Mental Health Awareness Week 2021.

See below what Thrive LDN’s activities are for the week.


Panel Discussion on nature and mental health

Watch the panel discussion above, from 3.00pm today

Join us on Thursday 13 May at 3.00pm for a panel discussion on nature and the benefits for mental health and wellbeing.

In this pre-recorded one hour panel, especially for Mental Health Awareness Week, the participants discuss: the benefits that Londoners have gained from using London’s green spaces during the pandemic; some of the known benefits of accessing nature to our mental health and wellbeing; what are the barriers to accessing nature, and what can we do about them.

The Panel members:

Chaired by Dr Helen Fisher, King’s College London. A researcher in biopsychosocial and environmental risk and protective factors for young people’s mental health.

Laura McMahon, community programme officer, The Royal Parks

John Thorne, parks for health project manager at Camden and Islington borough councils

Bhavini Kotecha, youth bonds manager, Hounslow Action for Youth Association (HAY)

Nemone Mercer, landscapes and community garden manager, Core Landscapes


Read our blogs

Read our blogs and case studies from some of our community partners, on what they have been doing to help Londoners connect with nature and lead happier, healthier lives.


Why cycling and walking are great for your mental health – Sustrans

Gardening is good for us – but don’t expect instant results – Camilla Royle

A lifesaver – Jasmine’s story


Interview and new single by spoken word artist, Yossi

Spoken word artist, and Thrive LDN Champion, Yossi, has recently released his latest single, NATURE BABY. Here, Yossi talks about what nature means to him, his favourite green spaces in London, and his inspiration behind making the track.

Stay tuned at the end of the interview to hear NATURE BABY.

Check out Yossi’s YouTube channel here. You can find Yossi on social media on Twitter and Instagram.

Help us spread the word

Help us share the message about the positive impact of nature and green space by sharing our social media posts, or posting yourself using some of our graphics. Click on an image below to download directly, or download our full campaign toolkit (PDF) for some more ideas and information about the week.


And don’t forget to tag us on social media. You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.